Maintenance and repair of VSAT equipment

Maintenance, tuning, repair of shipboard television equipment, antennas (TVRO, collective TV networks, power distribution equipment).

Engineers of the company "Communication and Radionavigation SPb" will install, configure any equipment for ship's collective television networks.

 Maintenance and repair of VSAT equipment  Maintenance and repair of VSAT equipment  Maintenance and repair of VSAT equipment
 Maintenance and repair of VSAT equipment  Maintenance and repair of VSAT equipment  Maintenance and repair of VSAT equipment  Maintenance and repair of VSAT equipment

Maintenance, tuning, repair of ship VSAT (computer networks, Wi-Fi).

Engineers of the company "Communication and Radionavigation SPb" Thanks to a wide range of specialists, our company is ready to provide high-quality installation, configuration of any equipment of ship computer data networks. 

You can call a specialist by sending a request to e-mail  service@cirspb.ru .

For questions, contact the service department by phone:

in St. Petersburg (+7 812) 4-679-679 and +79045531441,
in Petrozavodsk (+7 8142) 57-80-30 and (+7 8142) 57-00-03.

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